Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
But there's not way to avoid regret.  Dont let
anyone tell you different.  Regret is just life's
aftertaste.  No matter what you choose, you're
gonna wonder, if you shoulda done things
different.  I didnt necessarily choose wrong. I
just chose. And I lived with my choice, aftertaste and all.
from: A Different Blue
by: Amy Harmon

Tues brought snow-blindness.  We had that pea soup fog I mentioned earlier..for about a week,  Monday evening we had was snowing hard when I went to bed...Tuesday we woke to a winter wonderland.  That afternoon the clouds parts and the sun shone and I was dazzled and blinded as I fulfilled my recess duty.  We were blinded by the whiteness, the brilliance,  of the pure driven snow.
Im here to also report that kids are oblivious.  All they saw were the slushy puddles to soak their bootless feet in and snow to kick at one another or to use to construct snowmen.  I wish I had thought earlier to take out my camera and take more pics of the variety of snowmen built that afternoon. I was too concerned about the wet, cold feet and the soggy clothes on these kids...all things that they would surely regret  having to  endure throughout the rest of the day.  I for one think there cant be a worse discomfort than wearing wet shoes and clothes all day long. I personally avoid those conditions like the plague!!  Bless their sweet, smiling faces...AND their immune systems!!

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